Strategic Plan The School Strategic Plan is the school’s statement to its community about what it stands for and intends to do over the next four years to improve student outcomes. It defines the school’s values and sets out goals, targets and key strategies for improvement. It also influences resourcing priorities. It provides an important means for involving the school community in setting the school’s directions. (Source: p20) The Strategic Plan (2020-2024) developed by Cairnlea Park PS is available to download by clicking CPPS Strategic Plan 2020-2024. Annual Implementation Plan The School Strategic Plan (SSP) establishes the broad direction for the school over a four year period. The Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) supports the school’s operational delivery of the goals and targets identified in the SSP. The AIP identifies initiatives the school will be addressing, why these have been selected and what key improvement strategies will support this focus. The AIP also contains the goals and targets from the SSP, and breaks these down into 12-month targets. The plan breaks down each key improvement strategy into specific actions, specifying: how it will be implemented and resourced; the person or team who will implement the action and report back on progress; the timeframe for completing the action; success criteria or markers of success that will be observable measures of progress. The school then reports to the community on its progress. The school's 2023 Annual Implementation Plan is available for download by clicking CPPS AIP (2023). Annual Report Cairnlea Park Primary School’s Annual Report to the School Community informs parents and the wider school community of the school’s activities and achievements throughout the year. The report also provides an opportunity for the school to communicate and publicise the longer term directions of the school. The 2023 Annual Report to the School Community can be downloaded by clicking CPPS 2023 Annual Report. School Review Report Click here to view or download the Executive Summary from the review report of the School Strategic Plan 2020-2024.